Sunday, February 10, 2013

2013 New Year's Resolution

As a Family:

1.  Venture into water-play at the beach, theme parks and zoo.
2.  Enhance sibling relationship through structured playtime.
3.  Build social and communication skills through structured games with other kids.

En Jun has started running and we think that we are ready for more adventurous stuff.  Lately, we started noticing the start of sibling rivalry and we do hope this can be addressed with more playtime together.  Lastly, to build confidence and various life skills, we will be getting both of you to learn how to play with other kids.


1.  Chart the family's journey by blogging and taking more photos frequently.
2.  Payback to the society and create awareness to my family through charity work.
3.  Start saving and stop squandering.


1.  Wake up earlier everyday.
2.  Start exercising.
3.  Cook more.

As a couple:

1.  To spend time as a couple without kids on the 4th of each month.

By the way, today is Lunar New Year.  Unfortunately, En Xi contracted HFMD for the forth time and will be spending time at home for this CNY.  Daddy and Mummy are taking turns to keep you company at home for the week.  No worries, it just means that we will be doing more arts and craft, drawing, painting and bonding more at home.  Get well soon, En Xi.  Today, you missed the Reunion Dinner at Great-grandma's place and your boyfriend, Glenn Ong kept asking for you and even drew a get-well card and a little present for you.

En Xi's Passport Photo (5 yrs old)

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