Monday, January 21, 2013

En Jun @ 20 months

By now, you should realise that the blog is heavy on your darling sister.  Heck, even the blog link is your sister's name.  In case you are wondering, No, you are not an accident.  We always knew we will have a 2nd child.  Its just that we are not too IT-savvy when we first created the blog.  No, we love both of you as much.  The reason why there is significantly less post since your arrival and is due to the different nap times you both have and we are just too burnt out at night to turn on our laptop.

Anyway, this post is about you and you only.  You started pre-school in Jan 13 because we wanted Grandma to have an easier time, so that she can cook and serve us a hearty dinner.  You probably didn't know, we have been eating take-aways or catered food 'ting kart' since you were 4 months old.  That was when Mummy went back to work after we had you.  Unfortunately, you didn't settle well in the school (Nurture Stars @ Safra Toa Payoh) and Mummy wasn't comfortable with the child caring standards either.  To top it off, the place was also inconvenient for Grandma to pick you up after school.  So, now we have enrolled you in a 2hr playgroup that is just next to our block.  Hopefully things will turn out good.

Finally pointers from Mummy.

All set and ready to go!

This way ahead!

Oops, I think home is better.

Let me do some last minute reading first.

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