The highly anticipated Father Daughter Day (FDD) failed to materialise as Daddy was unexpectedly pulled back to work on every other day that was supposed to be an off day. So much for Work Life Balance... :( Somehow, work is not quite the same since Daddy scaled towards the supposing-ly greater things in his career. And like any garberment job, I can't quite rant about the hand that feeds me family.
Anyway, Daddy just came back from yet another overseas assignment and missed you dearly. Funny how 3 weeks seems like an eternity. As guilty as it may be, I kindda missed you more than Mummy. While this may not sound as a concern, it is important in my own humble opinion that the couple (in this your parents) must be the bedrock to this family. For a healthy family must begin with a couple with a healthy relationship. So for a start, you will always be second to Mummy.
Its funny how one changes him or herself as one grows up or ages.
Daddy remember himself as a rather rash and gutsy young man when he was in his early 20s. Often stepping on the toes of many and thinking that he is fulfilling the heaven's work as the global policeman. Kindda the ones in a martial arts drama serial set in the 1900s? Where there will always be a lead with suave looks and unbeatable skills who does nothing at all but being a busybody who pokes around everybody's business, while maintaining a lavish lifestyle without having to make a living and has plenty of $$ dropping out of the sky.
Then, Daddy met Mummy of course. Here, the responsibilities starts. You start thinking about the future, you make plans. I pretty much changed my outlook in many things in life. I certainly was much calmer in my approach to stuff. Another corny way to view this can be "Mummy was the 'ah lian' who manage to calm the 'ah beng' aka Daddy". You probably don't understand this when you read this, you need to read this, or alternatively maybe you can google for 'Young and Dangerous". You try to be a better person who thinks for the family and cares about the family. You want to be the person everyone can depend on.
Then, came you. If getting married made Daddy a more matured person, then having you made me want to be a better person. Allow me to explain, I possess many sins. I tear the tabs of the parking coupon and sheepishly ditch the torn off tabs on the floors of the carpark. I swear as if its part of the language we speak. I drop filthy tissue papers on the ground in the public when no one is looking and the list goes on and on. But all was to change one Monday at Six when En Xi arrived in my world. School can't teach values and the ways of life. The only person(s) who can do that is me and Mummy. That is why Daddy doesn't want to disappoint you and want to be the role model that every kid wishes for.
Wish me luck.
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