Saturday, March 27, 2010

CNY 2010 Outfits & Some Random Thoughts

Mummy is away on retail therapy in Hong Kong over the weekend. At the same time, Daddy is on a few days of off-in-lieu after the overseas assignment. It felt great to connect with you again. Doing the simple things together again. Stuff like to sending you to school and back. Bathing you while playing gardening in the toilet, teaching you how to brush your teeth and feed you. Doing flashcards together and reading your favourite story books. Play catch at 'Polliwogs' and blowing bubbles and throwing balls at the Botanic Gardens tomorrow. And if you are game for it, maybe a trip to the Zoo for the water themed park on the day after tomorrow. I got the whole weekend lined up. And the best thing to this deal is to be able to exercise my own way of coaching and taking care of you. No offense to Mummy, but she's kindda of uptight and jumps instantaneously on any level 1 situation, but that's because she cares a lot about you.

Anyway, I shared with a couple of my colleagues and friends about the stuff we were gonna do together. Like any alpha-male, I had stares from my guy friends like I had eye liner on, asking me why I actually enjoy doing stuff like that. And my answer will be why would you actually ask a bewildering question as this? There is no doubt in me that I enjoy doing the difficult things (feeding you) as much as the fun stuff (play in the park). The bond that we experience and that magical smile never fails to brighten my day.

Some updates on you.

You have grown much taller since I last saw you and I guess its timely to buy one of those height measurement wall paper to chart your progress. You are able to express yourself much better with a few simple words, but is still unable to form structured sentences. You are still very very difficult to feed and is an extremely picky eater. I'm still afraid to bring you to shopping malls as you hate holding hands and run about oblivious to dangers around you.

One last thing, we are visiting your best friend (currently) aka Charlene tomorrow. Before I forgot, Grandma thinks you bully most kids who are smaller than you and that includes your cousin, Julian. Bad Girl.

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