Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Looking back

En Xi @ 3 months
It’s finally back to work tomorrow.

En Xi has been sleeping thru the night for the past few days, and finally I was able to catch some rest after weeks of interrupted sleep. Perhaps, En Xi knows that Mummy is going back to work, and she is trying to let Mummy have a good rest. Thou she had a bad case of allergy a couple of days back (a bad breakout on her cheeks coupled with an abnormal greenish-coloured poo), she wasn't cranky or difficult.

The past 3 months with En Xi has been full of ups and downs. Nonetheless, nothing beats the wonderful moments when I caught her 1st milestones; her 1st smile, 1st cooing sound & the 1st time she grasp my finger etc. As the date of back-to-work was nearing, I even harbored the thought of giving up my career so that I can always be there to catch her future milestones.
En Xi and her favorite baby posters - she loves to speak to them when she sees it

Drooling all over mummy after her 1st 5-in-1 jab

I never expect myself to feel this way. 2 months back, I was even contemplating to return to work after my confinement, to get away from her crankiness and inconsolable crying. At that point, I even doubt if I have what it takes to be a mother. But now, I am proud to say that I have done pretty well as a mummy. To all women out there – don’t doubt your maternal instincts, it’s more powerful than you can imagine.

I will probably take a while to adjust myself to the tempo at work. Life will be more challenging than just feeding and changing diapers from tomorrow onwards. Well, if I can managed the most demanding "client" back home, guess no client can be more difficult rite?

Ah Ma giving me a Jacuzzi bath - my favorite activity of the day

Fingers...yum yum

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