Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The days with Sister Charlene

Charlene trying to entertain En Xi with her breakdance.

The past 1 week has been a madhouse in the family, as we are kept busy with Charlene, Edwin’s 3-year old niece. As she is highly active and constantly clinging to Ah Ma, I was taking care of En Xi most of the time. As a result, it seems that En Xi is very attached to me now, and only be pacified by me whenever she wants to nap.

For Charlene, it’s almost like she is attending a “holiday” camp at our place. I guess because all the restrictions at home have been lifted, it was truly hell let loose for her. We were constantly amused by the comments she made, and whenever she “sa1 jiao1” (whine) at Ah Ma. Being very talkative, Charlene was swarming everyone with her “why” questions on every single thing that we do or say. We are also very amazed by how disciplined she is (attributed to her strict boot camp training at home), ie take her own temperature before she goes to sleep / and refusing every kids’ fav “Pokee” biscuit because her mum has gave her strict instructions to refrain due to her cough.

Here’s some interesting trivials about her:
> She is constantly quoting “My mummy says…” to justify the reasons for some of her statements/behaviour. For this reason, we decided to give her the nick “Mummy’s girl”.

> Ah Ma needs to be by her side the moment she wakes up in the morning, and no one else is allowed to attend to her except Ah Ma.

> She is quite a vain pot - when Edwin was teasing her that her hands are dirty (because of the mozzie marks), she almost burst into tears.

> She pretends to have stomachache every morning so that she don’t have to go to school (but Ah Ma always managed expose her plot).

> She thinks that En Xi is having a diarrhea everyday (as the stools of breastfeed babies are runny and typically yellowish).

Charlene & En Xi's first cable car ride
Ah Ma...why so noisy? Ah Ma..why is the door closed? Ah Ma...why..

Charlene never fails to surprise us every day with her unexpected statements. The house was definitely livelier with her around, it almost feels like we have 2 daughters for the past 1 week. It also gave us a little preview of what En Xi will be when she is 3-years old. Can’t wait till En Xi grows up!

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