Sunday, April 27, 2008

2 weeks at work

Mummy n Daddy is back..Yeah!

En Xi has made an amazing progress during these few weeks. She can hold on to our finger or her favorite rattle, and responses very well to the musical gym. Ah Ma also witnessed her first rollover to her tummy! A more amusing sight is whenever I nurse her on my right side; she will be mumbling a chain of “ehh” and “errrr”, as thou she is trying to talk to me.

Eh? Where's the milk in the bottle?

Baby Mozart at practice

We also realized that she really likes to watch TV…haha.. this addiction really takes after me. However we are mindful that we have to control such unhealthy habits, as it will affect her learning capabilities when she grows up.

It has been almost 2 weeks since I started work. Having to express and juggle with work is really no easy task. However, all the stress and worries will miraculously dispel when greeted with En Xi’s adorable smiles. Now, I can finally understand why some working mums choose to give up breastfeeding when they head back to work. It really takes a lot of perseverance, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I can hang on till En Xi is 6 months old.

En Xi with Auntie Sophia, Uncle Sam and birthday gal Estelle

The 3 spoilt brats in my family - Princess En rXi, Shourei - the Spiderman wanabe, and Shoucong - the Tyrant

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Looking back

En Xi @ 3 months
It’s finally back to work tomorrow.

En Xi has been sleeping thru the night for the past few days, and finally I was able to catch some rest after weeks of interrupted sleep. Perhaps, En Xi knows that Mummy is going back to work, and she is trying to let Mummy have a good rest. Thou she had a bad case of allergy a couple of days back (a bad breakout on her cheeks coupled with an abnormal greenish-coloured poo), she wasn't cranky or difficult.

The past 3 months with En Xi has been full of ups and downs. Nonetheless, nothing beats the wonderful moments when I caught her 1st milestones; her 1st smile, 1st cooing sound & the 1st time she grasp my finger etc. As the date of back-to-work was nearing, I even harbored the thought of giving up my career so that I can always be there to catch her future milestones.
En Xi and her favorite baby posters - she loves to speak to them when she sees it

Drooling all over mummy after her 1st 5-in-1 jab

I never expect myself to feel this way. 2 months back, I was even contemplating to return to work after my confinement, to get away from her crankiness and inconsolable crying. At that point, I even doubt if I have what it takes to be a mother. But now, I am proud to say that I have done pretty well as a mummy. To all women out there – don’t doubt your maternal instincts, it’s more powerful than you can imagine.

I will probably take a while to adjust myself to the tempo at work. Life will be more challenging than just feeding and changing diapers from tomorrow onwards. Well, if I can managed the most demanding "client" back home, guess no client can be more difficult rite?

Ah Ma giving me a Jacuzzi bath - my favorite activity of the day

Fingers...yum yum

The days with Sister Charlene

Charlene trying to entertain En Xi with her breakdance.

The past 1 week has been a madhouse in the family, as we are kept busy with Charlene, Edwin’s 3-year old niece. As she is highly active and constantly clinging to Ah Ma, I was taking care of En Xi most of the time. As a result, it seems that En Xi is very attached to me now, and only be pacified by me whenever she wants to nap.

For Charlene, it’s almost like she is attending a “holiday” camp at our place. I guess because all the restrictions at home have been lifted, it was truly hell let loose for her. We were constantly amused by the comments she made, and whenever she “sa1 jiao1” (whine) at Ah Ma. Being very talkative, Charlene was swarming everyone with her “why” questions on every single thing that we do or say. We are also very amazed by how disciplined she is (attributed to her strict boot camp training at home), ie take her own temperature before she goes to sleep / and refusing every kids’ fav “Pokee” biscuit because her mum has gave her strict instructions to refrain due to her cough.

Here’s some interesting trivials about her:
> She is constantly quoting “My mummy says…” to justify the reasons for some of her statements/behaviour. For this reason, we decided to give her the nick “Mummy’s girl”.

> Ah Ma needs to be by her side the moment she wakes up in the morning, and no one else is allowed to attend to her except Ah Ma.

> She is quite a vain pot - when Edwin was teasing her that her hands are dirty (because of the mozzie marks), she almost burst into tears.

> She pretends to have stomachache every morning so that she don’t have to go to school (but Ah Ma always managed expose her plot).

> She thinks that En Xi is having a diarrhea everyday (as the stools of breastfeed babies are runny and typically yellowish).

Charlene & En Xi's first cable car ride
Ah Ma...why so noisy? Ah Ma..why is the door closed? Ah Ma...why..

Charlene never fails to surprise us every day with her unexpected statements. The house was definitely livelier with her around, it almost feels like we have 2 daughters for the past 1 week. It also gave us a little preview of what En Xi will be when she is 3-years old. Can’t wait till En Xi grows up!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Daddy's First Post

En Xi's first trip to the Botanic Gardens with Uncle Willie & Family

After much sacarsm from me wifey that I'm not contributing to baby En Xi's blog, I finally found time to do so. Well, En Xi is now a much happier baby & she's starting to smile a lot more.

Smiling More = More Attention

Now, instead of having to constantly shower attention to my other half, I'll be seen "goo-ing & gaa-ing" to En Xi. She seems to take a liking for talking, always making funny sounds that never fails to makes my parents go "Ohh! That's so cute!"

I've been following a former colleague's blog of mine about his baby gal, Noelle ( As his baby is slightly a month older than En Xi, it seems that whatever that Noelle is going through seems like a prelude or sneak preview of what's coming up for En Xi. Very interesting indeed! Noelle was going through the phase of not wanting to feed through bottles & only wants direct feed from her mommy. And now, En Xi is going through the same this week.

Anyway, enough about En Xi and a little about myself. For daddy's to be, a little warning and advice.

1. Never play your Wii / PSP / PS3 or read your newspaper or watch soccer in the presence of your wifey. When you're home, the expectation is to take care of the baby & nothing else.

2. You used to be Priority 1 for your wifey. Now the only time that your missus will look straight into your eyes, is when she says "Can you stop xxx, take care of the baby, you need to bond with him/her"

3. When you both wake up in the morning, instead of turning over to say "Good Morning, my dear...", she will turn to the baby instead and check on her diapers & say "Her diapers very heavy leh, can change for her or not?"

Daddy... I "Pang Sai"... Can change for me?

Welcome to parenthood!
I'm not complaining & is still loving every minute of it.

My brother's little gal, Charlene is now at my place for a week as they are away at Taiwan. More posts about her next time..

Charlene Ong (En Xi's Cousin)