Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pinky (2009 - 2014)

The origins of Pinky is unknown.  You received her as a gift for your baby shower, but we never figured who gave her to you.
Meet Pinky.

She is your best friend since you were one.
Her kind eyes, always so compassionate.
Hugging her never fails to comfort you.
Those cutesy ears, always so furry.
Finger nibbling them never fails to sooth your mood.
That funky smell, always unbearable to others.
A quick sniff never fails to brighten your day.

Until she was lost in school one day.
You found a new friend, Fluffy, but she always never same again.

Grand-Auntie Margaret bought her for you in a Funfair.  I think she looks like a boy.

Somehow, Daddy is more upset than you do and I can’t figure out why.

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