A year ago, I was still wondering how this little one in my tummy will look. Does she have my eyes? Would she be as cheeky as Daddy? When Mei Mei was born, I remembered that I was so overwhelmed with this little miracle of life that I broke down instantaneously. And thou she was only seconds old, it felt like we have known each other for the longest time.
Although the past 12 months has been filled with highs and lows, but it has also brought a new dimension to the family, especially our couplehood. Daddy & Mummy may have lesser time for each other now, but it has also made us more appreciative of the exclusive “dating” days (which we used to take for granted before we were parents).
Mei Mei also made me realized that how being a mother is the most rewarding job in the entire universe. No matter how work has compromised my time for her, she never fails to reserve her biggest smile of the day for me.
This posting will re-collect some of the most memorable trivia about Mei Mei, to commemorate the growing up pains, laughter and sweat for the past 1 year.
Medicated top-to-toe
By her 1st mth birthday, the amount of medication she had was astonishing . A nasty case of cord stump, infected BCG wound, and a allergic-prone baby, it's seriously too much to handle for a newborn. When she was 10-day old, the doctor had to put a pipe into her nose to drain the excess mucus that was trapped in her nose pipe (resulted by her sensitivity to environmental dust). That's the 2nd time I cried since her birth, but because I was really upset having to see her go through the ordeal. The first 3 months was indeed a difficult period for a first-time mother like me. What kept me going was something that Daddy said; "This period might be very trying period for us, but it will definitely make us more appreciative of the good times ahead."
Got milk?
During the initial months of her birth, Mei Mei was suspected to have a milk allergy. As she was a fully breastfeed baby, I had to be particularly careful of with my diet, and scrutinize all the food labels of whatever that goes into my system. She was so sensitive that any slight presence of milk will trigger a bad case of ecezma on her cheeks. That period was probably my worst low since her birth.
The 10cm high hair
Mei Mei was blessed with a lot of hair when she was born. For the longest time, her hair was constantly standing. Everyday, she looked like she had a bad hair day from her nap.
Daddy's video
The video starring Daddy (made for Mei Mei before Daddy went for his 1 mth overseas training) never fails to brighten the day up for Mei Mei. No matter how cranky she is, this video always manage to bring on the smiles on her face. I remembered that there was one night that Mei Mei woke up in tears for no reason. We are all at our wits and trying all possible methods to calm her down. The crying drama went on until we flashed out Daddy's video, and she instantly gurgled with joy!
Friso Baby
Mei Mei has been starring in Friso TV commercials in the past 1 year, due to a coincidental opportunity when she was born. She is now proudly known as the "celebrity" baby. All thanks to her, Mummy and Daddy manage to save on 1 year worth of milk powder.
Miss Congeniality
Mei Mei has always been an extrovert. Whenever she sees a child, she always attempt to "strike a conversation" with them. She is also a very spirited and happy baby, and it's never a challenge to capture her smiles on the camera. Looking at the photos we took, we realised that there are so many facets of expression on her face, and she can depict so many different interpretations of being happy!
Blink blink
This is another iconic signature of Mei Mei, when she was about 6 - 8 months old. For some reasons, she always blink with her right eye when the camera flashes (which we only realise later that it's due to a microscopic scratch that resulted it to be highly sensitive to high beams)
Sleeping Beauty
We took this photo when she concussed while watching her favorite "Baby Can Read" program.

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