Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thank You, En Xi

Daddy is having a hard time trying to piece together several events that happened of recent. Blogging about you usually occurs in spurts of inspiration. Trouble is having enough time and energy to stare into the laptop after a full day of staring into another laptop at work. So, more often than not, Daddy had missed out charting a few precious moments of your life thus far. Trying to link all events also prove to be a challenge as well. Then again, who cares if a blog entry is clear, concise and conclusive. But, on another note, Daddy wants you to understand what went through our lives as a family. Daddy has such terrible short memory, I'm worried that all the beautiful memories will just fade into abyss. In my own humble opinion, fading memories is the worst thing that can happen to anyone and to the people around him or her. Enough ramblings from Daddy, time to start my entry for today.

Mommy was recently ill and was down with food poisoning, so Daddy had to take care of you with Grandpa's help, as Grandma was at Uncle Eric's home taking care of your newly born cousin, Julian. For the first time, Daddy became a SAHD (Stay At Home Dad) for 2 days before Mommy recovers. I must say that 2 days sure felt like 2 weeks, cos you are such an impish elfin. The toughest part of taking care of you was trying to wash your hair. Take a good look at yourself now....

Of late, Daddy also managed to catch up with some old mates of mine. Somehow, no matter how cute other babies look, you are always the most "kawaii" to me. Here is Mommy with you, together with Auntie Elaine and Evianne.

Not to mention, you had developed the long lost skill of "Tien Chen Jao", nemesis of "Wan Fo Chao Zong". Susan and Wayne are obviously not too pleased.

Christmas is around the corner, this year is a particularly bad financial year and it seems that the financial turmoil has taken its toll on everything. Even the traditional Christmas lightings seems to be of sub-standard and shambolic. Nonetheless, we went to Borders to get some Christmas gifts and managed to catch some lights. You never fail to amaze us with your different facial expressions. Sometimes, Mommy thinks you are schizophrenia. Here are some of your personalities.

The "I'm very angry-I've horns sticking outta of my head" look

The "I'm a tribal dancer-No wait-I'm a wrestler-No wait-I like to lick" look.

This look is just stupid, but Daddy loves it, cos it always never fails to brighten up his day. Maybe, we can call it the "Cheer You Up" look.

The "Plurrrsee give me my milk" look.

The "OMG! Mango is on Sale" look.

This is our Christmas Tree and you'll be celebrating your first Christmas Party with Mommy's best Gal friends on the eve.
Before, Daddy sign off this entry, Daddy wants to thank you. Daddy doesn't quite understand it yet, but Daddy has now found inner peace and patience. You are the beauty who calmed the beast or you can crudely put it as the ah lian who calmed the ah beng. More importantly, you had shown me how to love Mommy more than ever. Don't ask me how, I just love your mommy more now. Once again, thank you.

Daddy and Mommy in Love

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