Friday, October 10, 2008

Teething pains

Clingy..weepy..cranky, that's what you get when teething meets separation anxiety.

With En Xi moving on to a 9-mth old toddler, and adjusting quite well to fomula, my intention was to wean her off from nursing. I was deliberating since that's the only time that I can enjoy my bonding with En Xi. However, with my supply dwindling by the day, it's a choice that needs to be make in time to come. Everything was going well with Edwin helping out with the night feedings (to break the association of mummy = feeding).

Just right after our anniverary weekend - suddenly our little princess starts to "transforms" into a night terror, refusing all attempts to bottle feed her during the night wakings. Her wailing will persist till finally Mummy gives in and nurse her. And trust me, I bet the decibel of her wailing must have woke up neighbours even from the opposite block.
The tooth terror!!

We were getting worried and wondering what triggered the sudden change in behaviour. That's when we realise that the culprit was the pain from her emerging first incisors that is cutting through her gum! Now all the symptoms make sense - from the swollen gums, runny nose, biting and gnawing...our dear princess is putting up a tough fight with one of the major milestones of her growing up!

She has also been increasingly attached to me, and just want to nurse and nurse the moment she wakes up. My mother-in-law even had to pull her away so that I can leave for work. For the first time, she actually starts to get whiny the moment I stepped out of the house. I remembered reading about babies around 7 months will start to demonstrate such behaviour known as separation anxiety . This means that your baby formed a loving attachment to you, associating pleasure, comfort, and security with your presence. Put it another way: It’s evidence that the bond you’ve worked so hard to create is holding, which means Mummy (me! me!) is officially En Xi's favourite person (one point for mummy)! Now - who dares to contest that a mother is the most rewarding profession in the world?

I love mummy!

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