Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Wang Family

It’s been almost a month since we posted updates, sorry for the silence! It’s been a hectic month for me, as work has been extremely overwhelming.

For this particular posting, I like to dedicate this to my family – The Wangs.

Some trivia about our surname that may interest you:

> It was spelling differently from the rest in the family line which is “Wong” instead by virtue of our dialect.

> The chances of our surname having a different permutation of pronunciation are rather common. Ang Mo called it “Wang” as in “want” with a "g" and Chinese typically as “one”. Either one, we still have not figured out which is the right way.

> We decide to drop the Hanyu Pinyin version in En Xi’s birth certificate, for the simplest reason that the Hanyu Pinyin version is written similarly to my dialect surname (Wang). This is to avoid her friends from being misleaded that she is carrying my surname, or that her dad is being married into our family.

Every since my brother Sam starts to have a penchant for photography, he is the designated camera man to document our key family events. Here are some valuable moments to share with you.

Chinese New Year 2008

Mum's birthday celeb with all of us trying to strike a "funny" pose.

Our first family picnic at Botanic Gardens
En Xi in the comfortable comforts of PoPo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gosh! we do look like a happy bunch! LOL!
