Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Story Telling

Since at an early age, bedtime stories have been a habitual routine for En Xi. Every night, when we say “time for milk”, En Xi will rush into her room and grab her favourite books. She then tosses the books on the bed and lies down with both arms out stretched, reaching for the milk bottle. As she slurps down her fix, we sit down next to her and start reading. Before you know it, she bumps her milk bottle onto your hand to indicate that she’s done. This consummates with her licking her lips profusely in delight, before she sits ups pointing to a book and says “How about this one?”

I’m glad to have had adopted this habit as it allows us a little bonding time every night and more importantly, nurtures En Xi’s interest in reading. As a matter of fact, she has enjoyed bedtime stories so much that she looks forward to bringing back new books from the library. Sometimes, En Xi will read to us, albeit with the occasional prompting. Once done reading, she looks up and the sparkle from her eyes and warmth smile instantaneously energise us.

With En Xi’s affection for reading and her showing symptoms of bad mannerism, such as snatching and gobbling down her favourite snacks. We came up with a brilliant plan to cultivate her values by reading cautionary tales. Our first book was “Say please, Louise!” by Roxbee Cox??? A large text graphical book with emphasis on the phrase “Say please, Louise! A please and thank you is all that’s needed.” At the start, we were taken by surprise with her ease of reciting ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ as we flip through the pages. But I guess we did not explain when and how to apply the appropriate mannerism nor did we allow her to practise enough. It all seems confusing for her in the beginning. At times, she said ‘Thank you’ before asking for things and often hurries off without saying ‘Thank you’ when she gets her stuff. Eventually, our constant reminders and patience paid off. Finally, En Xi was able to communicate ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ in the right situations.

Delighted and encouraged by En Xi’s progress, we decided to introduce more cautionary tales by the same author, such as “Don’t be Greedy, Graham!” and “Don’t be a Bully, Billy!” But it seems tougher than before, now when we ask “Can we be Greedy or Bully?” She would spontaneous reply “Yes!” much to our dismay. But I’m sure she’ll be on the right track in no time, all we need is a little more patience.

A little Daddy-Daughter Time meeting up with En Xi Favourite Cartoon Character

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Communicating, the En Xi way

En Xi: Daddy! I want milk.
Daddy: Here you go.
En Xi: (knocks on ah ma's room door) Ah Ma! I blow milk.
Ah Ma: Blow milk? What blow milk?
En Xi: (pointing to the sofa, smiling) There! I blow milk!
Ah Ma: Oh oh... That's vomit... Are you okay, En Xi?

That was 3 weeks ago. The only positive out of the incident was her smile, proudly pointing at her puke as though it was cool. En Xi was down with stomach flu and among many other virus that hops along the sick wagon were a bout of flu, fever and phlegm. This prompted a drop in appetite and feeding became somewhat laborious. To make matters worse, En Xi started to thin down and felt like a bag of bones when we bathed her. Naturally, Mummy felt really bad and began her 'its all our fault' theories of feeding too much this and that or sleeping too late, etc, etc.

Getting ready for beach and insisting on wearing her swimwear while we pack our bags

Fortunately, En Xi recovered in time for our 2nd Bintan trip this year and what great fun we had. We had more company and my parents together with my brother's family were able to join us. So it was great thrill for En Xi as her BFF (Best friend Forever), Charlene Jer Jer (that's how En Xi calls Charlene) was there. We managed to visit the beach and pool on each of the 4 days we were there. Every morning, we are greeted with her saying "I want to go ah beach!" Speaking of which, we came to realise that En Xi talks in a very Singlish way. In fact, most of her speech contains the adjective "ah". Examples such as:

I go ah beach.
I want ah biscuit.
I want ah chee choo. (which means pacifier and I have no idea how she came up with that)
That's ah spider.
And the list goes on.

"Diao Deng" eyes with baywatch pose

En Xi has also started communicate herself a little better and is able to take simple instructions such as "Keep your toys", which comes in very handy, albeit with a little persuasion and reward at times. She is also able to state her needs and is quite comical at times (at least to mummy and daddy). There were times when daddy and mummy are engrossed in our own conversation and En Xi will stand up, raise both her hands in the air, shouting, "STOP! STOP!" She then bows her head, frown and look at us with her "diao deng" eyes, demanding for attention. What can I say? The kid never gets enough attention!

Another screaming episode

Of course, there are times, when En Xi is just sweet. Sometimes, but rarely, she tries the soft approach to get her way by grasping her hands together, tucked under her chin and with her sweetest possible voice, "Daddy.... How aboooout... biscuit?" This normally does the trick and we give in to her demands. Most of the time, she just spreads herself on the floor and starts wailing. I must say En Xi has great stamina, she can keep going with her face turned red and tears streaming down like a tap. At times, taking a break, with a deep breath and yawn before she starts the next salvo. And what do we do, we give up and accede to her demands again.

The little one never keeps still
(This photo doesn't quite relate to what I'm writing here, but I just like this photo, so what the heck?)

Once in awhile, we pretend to be angry before she starts her nonsense. What does En Xi do? She stands in front of us and says," Angry?" Starts shaking her hips, dancing and sings," Wiggles, wiggles! Dibo Dibo Dee?" That's her way of cheering us up.

Last, but not least, my favourite phrase from her when I tickle her neck with my rough stubble on my chin. "Daddy, why you do that?"

The hair on my chinny chin chin never fails to make En Xi laugh