Sunday, April 26, 2009

En Xi @ 16 months

As my mum used to be a babysitter, I always thought that I will be quite prepared for parenthood due to my early exposure to child rearing. Somehow En Xi is a far cry from what I could fathom. She can be quite a character when she - is hungry for milk/you take her toys away/can’t go out/just feel like it.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s because of what I ate during my pregnancy that made her somehow a different material from the conventional babies. But it’s also all these little mischief that made her exceptionally adorable at the same time.

Here’s a quick glimpse of our little drama queen’s life @ 16mths

She responses very well to music with heavy rhythm, such as rock or hip hop. She will start nodding her head profusely and tapping her feet away to the music. Check out one of her performance!

This is En Xi’s favorite pair of shoes, her mini red Crocs. Crocs is probably one of the biggest bona-fide phenomenon in the world and Singapore, and hope that En Xi can remember that she use to owe one of this vogue thing when she was young.

At approximately 5pm, En Xi will guide Ah Ma to her little red Crocs and request for a walk. In fact, she likes to walk so much that she can literally walk for the whole day in the house, and only stop when she is having her nap, meals or watching her favorite TV programme.
The moment this little girl wakes up, she likes to ransack whatever she can find. One fine morning, this is what Mummy found…
Mummy...i really didn't do it.

The all-time favorite game is still “Peek-a-boo” for her. Just throw her a blanket, and she can entertain herself for the whole day.

Meet Pinkie, En Xi's best friend. She will kiss Pinkie the moment she wakes up, and anytime when she is in sight. Sometimes, Mummy gets so jealous as she always reserves her biggest kiss only for Pinkie.

En Xi has also started to articulate her emotions and intentions with her unique baby talk.

Mum mum = food

Na na = “no no”

O-par = hug

Ah-pa = apple

Hit her head with both her hands – means “pain pain”, especially Mummy start screeching at her top of her voice when she is approaching some nasty corners.

Ah-chee = parrots back when someone is sneezing, sometimes says it while covering her mouth too.

Whhyyyyyyyyyyyy - it LITERALLY means why when you take her pacifier away, or take something away from her. It's probably the 1st real word she picked up, and she says it with such precision that it's quite amusing.

Ah ta ta ti ta yaaaaaaaaaaaa……….. - basically, it’s when she is upset that you are not giving her what she wants, like too slow in preparing her milk, wants more ice-cream, refuse to let her get on the dinner chair, blah blah blah...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Handyman & Wiggles

This is En Xi's favourite book, Daddy didn't know this until he saw Grandpa painstakingly patch it up with tape. Daddy is not proud cos he told Grandpa to toss it away. There's so much money can buy, time is definitely not one of them. Gotta read more to En Xi in future. Wait a min, isn't that one of Daddy's new year resolution? Quality vs Quantity. Sometimes its not about the Quality of time spend, but also the Quantity of time spend.

Handyman Grandpa repairing yet another En Xi's toy.

En Xi has taken learning a step further by following her Mommy's work.

Lets take a closer look

Oh No! Yet another Wiggles MTV.
I must say En Xi's obession with Wiggles has taken to a new level. She just can't keep her hands off our laptops whenever we are working on it.

Photo of the Day
I'm a Wiggles Fanatic!

Monday, April 6, 2009

SAF Seaview Chalet

The Wise One
(Grandpa's Mummy aka 'Ah Joh')

After a decade in service, Daddy finally took time to book an SAF chalet. Family and relatives gathered for a BBQ session. As always, it was good catch up for the elders and plenty of Wii action for the young ones. En Xi had lots of fun as well, this was the first time you touched sand and hear the splashing of the waves from the sea.

En Xi going estatic

Making sandcastles with cousin Charlene

Charlene obviously very delighted as well
En Xi picked up some new tricks during her stay at the chalet.

Honing her skills to be a croupier for the new IR.

Training for Vertical Marathon 2020.

A very exhausted En Xi.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Shichida Method

Like all 'kiasu' parents, Daddy & Mommy wanted to give En Xi a headstart in life. After scouting around and heard fantastic reviews of The Shichida Method. We decided to enroll you for a term to try it out.

Classes are on every Sat morning with either parent. As Daddy was going to be away for overseas training soon. Daddy had the priviledge to be your companion for your first class.

Mommy getting En Xi ready for class.

All set & ready to learn.

So what's The Shichida Method all about? Its really all about training your right brain. According to scientific research, the right brain stops developing at the age of 3. Thereafter, you use mainly the left brain and to fully maximise your brain's potential, you gotta unlock the power of your right brain. Your right brain has mysterious abilities, telepathy is one of them. You can guess where Daddy was sitting when he posted this entry.

Sounds crazy? I think so likewise, but this was what Daddy felt after your first class. There was this activity that proved my point.

Teacher holds up a doll and says: Children guess how many roses is Daisy holding on to?

Teacher subsequently took 2 pictures out and says: Is it 2 or 3 roses?

Teacher gets every child to make a choice by tapping on either of the 2 pictures.

Teacher then takes out the doll again, turns it around and pulls out the answer.

Daddy goes "@#%$ WTF???"

Daddy stumbled upon the above and wondered? Why did they use a different child for each ability? Can't a kid have all the mentioned abilities? What if En Xi had all these amazing abilities? Let'd find out...

Daddy thinks En Xi has the potential.

Don't play play ok? I got telepathy power you know...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

En Xi's Very First Vacation

Apart from the cruise that En Xi went with Mommy's side of the family earlier. This is the first official overseas trip for her. Good thing Grandpa & Grandma came along, the extra luggage space sure came in handy. There were so much to worry about, from the availability of milk powder to the pampers; and of course the countless amount of clothes for En Xi's fashion parade.

Then, there's another worry, record breaking heat waves have been set in Melbourne of recent. It has been bush fire after bush fire with the highest temperature recorded above 40 degree celsius.

Somehow, Daddy kept having thoughts of En Xi crying hysterically on the plane. But after some tips from friends, we decided on the game plan. The plan was simple. (1) Wear En Xi out before take off, so that she could sleep through the flight. (2) Time En Xi's feed for take off, so that the air pressure doesn't get into her ears.

The result? I'm an energiser baby! Me not gonna sleep on my maiden flight. Fortunately, the milk feed did her some good. Nonetheless, En Xi couldn't get any rest, which means Mommy didn't get much rest either. In the end, Mommy had to hold En Xi throughout the flight. Not too bad, at least for Daddy.. :P

Apart from having her first vacation and first flight on a plane, En Xi also had the privilege to miss her 2nd flight. Luckily, there was a connecting flight in an hour's time from Sydney to Melbourne

Our initial fear of harsh weather were quickly dispelled when we stepped out of the airport. Weather was great, going between 18 - 24 degree celsius. As the taxi pulled into the city, we were greeted to the after effects of the scotching weather. The parks were filled with a sea of hay, nothing like the famous greenery so many have spoke about. 45mins ride from the airport and here we are at the service apartment. The apartment was not too shabby, in fact, it was better than we expected.

One of the best thing about visiting another country from a cooler climate is the option of dressing up in clothes you will never don in Singapore. En Xi is a HOT baby, a really really hot babe and I literally meant hot cos she's always sweaty. Never had a chance for her to put on those leggings. Looks pretty neat huh?

First Night Out at Flinders Railway Station

Getting around the town was a breeze with the free tram ride. The trouble was getting En Xi to sit still. You see, Mei Mei is a really busy body, she likes to poke at every new thing and has such a fiesty temper. Anything that does not go along her way is a sure way to be greeted with her highest octane screams.

One thing we appreciated about Melbourne is the endless amount of cafes along the streets. Very relaxing indeed, great place to chill. Mon - Wed are really quiet, not much happening. But the moment it's Thu, the nights never seems to end. Everyone is drinking like they are celebrating the new year.

Our first trip out of Melbourne was to the famous 12 Apostles along the Great Ocean Road. It was quite a thrill driving down those winding roads by the coast. Daddy thought the car was great, an 8 seater Toyota Tarago, or in S'pore version, an Esteema. However, Mommy beg to differ, as she threw up at a certain point of the trip.

First stop along the Great Ocean Road was to Geelong (pronouced as Cher Long). Nothing much here really, except for the scenic wharf and a traditional merry go round with hand made wooden horses.

We stopped by this light house (which I forgot its name), its free, so we stopped for some pictures.
This Cape Otway Lighthouse was just crap, must pay money, so Grandpa & Grandma jst took pictues & pretended that we actually went inside. Then, finally, we reached our destination...
Daddy & Mommy struggling to take a family picture with En Xi.
There's also the penguins parade at Philip Island. This one, a total rip-off. Total waste of money. You see the word parade brings to mind, a march, an assembly; but "NO" the little penguins had other ideas. what we saw were just drips and draps of little penguins making their way to their homes.
After close to a week in Melbourne, the grass had finally turned green and we decided to head to the parks. En Xi obviously had a great time; and it was a challenge trying to get her back to the apartment.

At the end of the trip, En Xi was most well rewarded. A pretty baby is a happy baby.

Daddy just bought a DSLR in the recent IT Show. More picture perfect photos coming in the future, but first, Daddy must learn how to tune the settings.