Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy birthday Shourei!

Today is my nephew, Shou Rui’s 5th birthday. I always have a soft spot for him, possibly because he’s the first grandchild of our family. And, the fact that I was very involved in his childhood, it makes me particularly more attached to him.

The classic "funny face" family foto to marked our every gathering

When I discovered my pregnancy, I always think that I will prefer a boy for my first-born. Just to qualify this statement – it’s not because I have a preference for boys. This is largely influenced by the fact that I have 2 brothers, and I always thought it will be sweet if there is a big brother in the family to protect the younger siblings. I’m glad that Shou Rui is actually very fond of Mei Mei and takes very good care of her. In fact, my brother used to compare that he finds Shou Rui is actually nicer to Mei Mei than his own brother.

Why Gor Gor is so nice to Mei Mei and not me?

We had his pre-birthday celebration over the weekend. This 5-year old boy actually prefers to have a KTV session, so that he can relish this fav Jay Chou “Huo Yuan Jia” song. Of cos, the highlight of the day has to be the unwrapping of birthday presents for him. Nothing beats seeing a kid beamed in joy when he uncovers the mystery of his presents! Shiok ah..so many presents! Can play till i flip!

Mummy..why no present for me?

Shou Cong you must be a tough guy ok! Follow me..hor hor hor hor hor hor hor..

Finally..my turn to sing..

Eh-lo? Why no sound?

Mei Mei finally crashed after a day of fun. For the record, she slept for a straight 3 hours without stirring!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Days without Mei Mei

It's funny how a kid can become one's focal point in life. I always thought and had Rei and myself believe that our marraige should come before anything else. In fact, I was always ranting to my wifey about the importance of having "couple" time together. I preached the notion of starting each conversation after work, talking about one another instead of mei mei. But sub-consciencely, I don't think I had walked the talk.

I checked the photos stored in my iPod touch, a total of 19 photos. Of which, 1 was Charlene, 1 had the 3 of us (Wifey, En Xi & me) and 17 were all single portraits of Mei Mei taken since birth. Truth is Mei Mei is the first thing that comes to my mind whenever I think of home. When I chat with my friends, I talked about my kid most of the times. I can recall myself saying I miss my kid, but not miss having dinner with my wifey.

Is there no couplehood after parenthood?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

3 weeks without Daddy

You wanna play with me and my new toy!!

Little En Xi is getting more responsive over the past few weeks. A significant change we noticed is that she is becoming more vocal with her emotions. Especially when she spots the first signs of going out ie prepping her stroller or taking out the keys, she get extremely excited and starts to displayed her excitement by yelling at the top of her voice. She is such a chatterbox too, babbling non-stop from the moment she wakes up, so much so that I don't even need an alarm clock now.
God-Auntie Xiujun came to visit..I want to be as pretty as her when I grow up

The key challenge is also to bring her out of the house single-handedly. Without Edwin around, it has been an arduous task to keep her still within the stroller. Having a peaceful meal without her protesting in her stroller is almost impossible. Funny thing is, my in-laws never have this problem cos she seems to be much more obedient when she is out with them. So double standard!! Obviously, someone is trying to bully Mummy...sob sob...

En Xi's moment of the week

Shou Rui: En Xi, let's pose a really ugly face.
En Xi: Huh? I don't know how to be ugly.....