Thursday, February 28, 2008

Let's go shopping!

Mirror mirror on the wall..who the cutest baby of them all?

See what see? Never see a hotie before is it?

Totally-knocked-out look

As Baby En Xi is more settled down, we decided to go for our 1st shopping trip over the weekend. I need the retail therapy badly, to reward myself for the sleepless nights over the past few weeks. Most importantly, I need to get in touch with modern civilisation as the furthest I have ventured is sadly Toa Payoh Interchange.

After some research, Centrepoint was the choice destination as we know that there are decent nursing facilities there. I won't want to feed my baby amidst the orchestra of pee in the public restrooms, so proper nursing room is the top priority. The moment I stepped into the mall, I felt so alive! Baby En Xi was also awakened from her deep slumber and checking out the environment avidly. I think she like shopping like mummy, cos she was wide wide awake throughout the whole trip.

Thou we have to pop off to the nursing room every now and then, once she start screeching away for food (trust me, when baby wants their food, they expect it immediately by stressing you with their high decibel cries), we still enjoyed ourselves very much. Kudos to my sweet hubby Edwin, for giving me some time-off at "Mango", while he strolled off with our baby.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The beginning

Award-winning photo in "Beautiful Babies" contest

(1-day old) En Xi gave her first smile to Ah Ma


(6-weeks old) En Xi's favorite burping posture

Totally knocked out on our bed.

Baby En Xi has been quite a lucky babe since birth:
> We striked our very first 4-Digit on the day she came home, and another strike on the day of her baby shower.

> 2 weeks later - Her pix was selected in the "Beautiful Babies" contest organized by Friso.

Since then, the whole family have been actively scrutinizing every thing or event related to her, hoping to find some inspiration for the next winning number.

On the flipside, she had her fair share of problems too. Upon her six-week mark, she has visited Auntie Pediatrician 5 times and Uncle GP for 3 times. It was really stressful, particularly when she need to go through the "sucking" machine to extract the mucus from her nosepipe. She was wailing so badly, and I was tearing with every cry that she let out.

The ultimate stressful event has to be the time that she had a serious colic on her 5th week. She was crying insolably for 2 days and 1 night, and nothing can pacify her. Upon diagnosis from pediatrician, we realised that the culprit was ME! As I succumb to the temptation of savory curry chicken and prawn noodles after my confinement period, the food has caused an uproar in her delicate tummy. I felt so guilty when the pediatrician was lecturing me as thou I'm a disobedient kid in class, for being undisciplined in my diet.

She is a happier baby now, and fuss only when she is hungry or bored for a cuddle. We are still waiting for her to get into some sort of a routine. The good news is that she only wakes up once for her night feed and then knock out till the next morning.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The transformation of Mummy Rei Rei

Before i start narrating the life of my baby princess, let me give u quick overview of myself.

My days of pregnancy went thru like a breeze (thank god!). Somehow i do miss it; the days of pampering and being treated like a QUEEN by all. The real parenthood journey starts now!

It's amazing how a baby can transform you, curing some "chronic" habits instantly, ie
THEN: Sleep like nobody business for straight 10 hours (I have a reputation for being the "sleeping goddess" for a reason)
NOW: An undisturbed sleep in the night for 4 hours is considered a miracle!

THEN: Choose to do anything i want at my own pace and a mininum of 1 hr to prep before heading out of the house.

NOW: Even simple tasks like having a shower needs to be tactically strategize to coincide with the baby's nap time + dressing up & make-up in less than 15 mins.

THEN: Eat everything, anything i want
NOW: Bye bye curry chicken, cookies n cream ice-cream, butter prawns - as my baby is highly allergic to lotsa of food types, it will upset her tummy via my precious liquid gold (breastmilk).

Also - I never expect myself to start blogging, since i used to jeer at my hubby (who is a blog fanatic/addict/ fan/ whatever u can name to describe his complete love for blogging) that it's a waste of time. However, while being grounded at home and isolated from civilisation during my confinement period, I started to read about blogs of new parents, and the challenges n sweet memories of their little ones. I empatised the experiences they shared, knowing that what my baby went thru is perfectly normal. Most importantly, it's an excellent way to document the growing up days of my darling girl! One day, when she finally transist from Baby En Xi, to Ms En Xi and finally Mdm En Xi, it's something she can look back and have a good laugh (or cry) about.

Hope all of u will enjoy my blog. Happy reading!

p/s I promise the subsequent posting will be short and sweet, not long and naggy like this!